Friday, June 8, 2012

World News at Your Fingertips

Three Little Pigs Adverts

By The Guardian

Open journalism has become an important element for the production and distribution of news. This is the future of journalism because this method of journalism is more open and been using a two-way communication for a new environment. Due to that, there are no walls and it is not specific to any journalist or media organizations. Somehow, an ethical journalism is required in making a decision due to the information is accessible in every way. According to Plaisance (2009, p.5) ethics is based on rational justification and thinking process embodies key values.
Simon Houpt
The Guardian article by Simon Houpt, How open journalism reimagines the story was discussing the role of bloggers and citizen journalist as the major news feeder. Simply because bloggers always keep the readers informed one step ahead in every news.

Twitter are the main platform for them to update on every news and it has increasing among the society and due to that it has clearly shown that journalist are moving towards a digital era. The Guardian has come out with the Three Little Pigs as a news story that have been widely distributed via social media. Social media are one of the trusted source in delivering credibility, accuracy and the transparency news to the readers.

Alan Rusbridger
The only things that keep readers with the latest and ongoing news are by having open journalism as the future journalism. The Three Little Pigs advert are telling the viewers that media industry are moving very fast and it goes beyond newspaper and this is to show that the idea of journalism evolves others and responsive to other (Rusbridger 2012).

The Three Little Pigs advert by The Guardian was the best example to show the effectiveness of open journalism. I hereby stated that open journalism is the best way to find out the truth because that’s what journalist supposed to do. Nick Cohen (1999: 128-9) ‘Freedom of the press is the freedom for the journalist to express their expression freely.’ 

(308 words)


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